Audit Work Plan Fiscal Year 2018
Our Annual Audit Work Plan outlines our perspective of the major management and performance challenges facing the Social Security Administration (SSA) and serves as a tool for communicating our priorities to SSA, Congress, the Office of Management and Budget, and other interested parties. Our work is prioritized to focus our resources on those areas that are most vulnerable to fraud, waste, and abuse. To ensure we provide a coordinated effort, we work with our Offices of Investigations, Counsel to the Inspector General, and Communications and Resource Management.
In preparing this Plan, we solicited suggestions from SSA. We received a number of suggestions for inclusion in our Plan, and we have incorporated as many of them as possible. We recognize this Plan is dynamic, so we encourage continuous feedback and additional suggestions. This flexibility enables us to meet emerging and critical issues evolving throughout the upcoming year.
This Plan describes reviews we intend to begin in FY 2018 in the following issue areas.
Improve Customer Service
Modernize Information Technology Infrastructure
Secure Information Systems and Protect Sensitive Data
Reduce Improper Payments and Increase Overpayment Recoveries
Improve Administration of the Disability Programs
Strengthen Planning, Transparency, and Accountability
Strengthen the Integrity and Protection of the Social Security Number