Social Security OIG Receives Awards for Excellence
The Inspector General of the Social Security Administration, Gail S. Ennis, is pleased to announce the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) has honored three Social Security Administration Office of the Inspector General (OIG) teams for their outstanding accomplishments. The Federal Inspector General community celebrated its award winners during CIGIE’s virtual 23rd Annual Awards Ceremony on October 13, 2020. Following are the Social Security OIG’s award-winning teams.
The Manually Processed SSA Workloads Team won an Award for Excellence in Audit for its efforts showing that certain manual actions processed by SSA employees were error-prone and resulted in significant improper payments to individuals receiving OASDI benefits. The Team’s work helped SSA preserve the integrity of the OASDI program and protect individuals from undue hardship by identifying improper payments and making recommendations to prevent future improper payments.
The “Gateway Carrier” Investigative Team won an Award for Excellence in Investigation for conducting groundbreaking investigative work to prevent and deter the routing of millions of impersonation scam calls to the U.S. public. This group demonstrated true grit and determination as they pursued holding gateway carriers accountable for allowing foreign-based scam calls to access the U.S. telephone network and reach American consumers.
The Social Security Scam Prevention and Outreach Team won an Award for Excellence in Multiple Disciplines for fighting the exponential increase in Social Security scam telephone calls by increasing public awareness and helping prevent additional people from falling victim. This allowed SSA and the OIG to use their limited resources to help better serve the public and bolster the public’s confidence in SSA.
Inspector General Ennis thanks CIGIE for recognizing Social Security OIG’s commitment to excellence and its diligent efforts to protect and improve SSA programs and operations. CIGIE issued a press release about the ceremony, and the complete list of awards and recipients are available in the CIGIE Awards Ceremony Booklet.